Community celebrate the Skate Park upgrades with Totem providing workshops all day

skate Park upgrade

On Saturday 18th December 2021 following two reschedules the Sanctuary Point Skate Park upgrades were officially opened by Shoalhaven City Council. Sanctuary Point Pride manned the BBQ for the community and Firefly Bay and Basin set up near the water bubbler, where we were able to give away water bottles generously donated by Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention and Awareness Network (SSPAN).

Shoalhaven City Council engaged TOTEM Skateboarding mentors to run full program of skating skills and training from 11am – 4pm – all the sesssions were fully booked on the day and the feedback was so positive from the children.

The upgrades included Outdoor fitness equipment, water fountain/bubbler, Drainage, concreting and landscaping, Site beautification and signage (still to come), Shade Shelter, seating and a picnic table, new bins, adjustments to the Ping Pong/Table Tennis table, new surfacing of basketball court and a new hoop.

On the day the Firefly team distributed water bottles, that had been donated by SSPAN, to youth to celebrate the popular bubbler, something that the youth told us they wanted during the mapping process.

We are proud to have been part of this exciting project through our mapping and grant application assistance. Our Coordintator Carolyn and Sharon Joo Community Connector visited the skate park once a week for hours to map the usage and provide much needed data to identify the needs and usage rates.

It was great doing the mapping as we were able to meet and chat to the young people who use the park everyday, they were always willing to share ideas of how to improve the park”

Carolyn, Coordinator

Lastly, we would like to acknowledge the outstanding work by Community Champion Fran Mooney who has worked tirelessly to make the upgrade happen. To watch the speeches follow this youtube link.

Firefly have applied for funding to bring TOTEM back in 2022 so fingers crossed around this funding, regardless of the outcome we have more hotdog afternoons planned and the continuation of the mapping to demonstrate any changes in usage of the park since the upgrades. Placemaking is so important in community and being able to do this is such fun and worthwhile to build a strong connected community.

Sanctuary Point Skate Park Mapping

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