Creative Consultations

Firefly uses creative and inclusive ways to consult with young people and the community.

Firefly Bay and Basin commenced with a strong intention of listening. During early conversations it became clear that families really wanted to have more for the tweens to do, particularly afterschool activities. Whilst there are many things to do some were not sure how to get started. With this in mind we put together a series of community consultations that ensured the children also could have fun whilst we chatted to mum, dad and carers more about community and ideas for children and families.  With afterschool activities one of the key community needs, we developed a series of activities. The Drama afternoons and creative art in the park were very well received. These activities engaged local professionals Creative Starz Youth Theatre and Kids with Artitude. The children used interesting techniques to paint and create their dream park. We also included drumming and lots of games. Some feedback from the children

  • I really loved the drumming it was fun” (7yo boy)
  • “We would have stayed inside today because of the wind this is fun”

We spoke to and engaged with many different families that may not have had a voice without these activities. The children that participated had a great time and they expressed a need to have more art and cultural activities. 

  • “That was fantastic – this is nothing like drama with mum or the school” (9yo girl)
  • “I really like this and want to do more drama”
  • “I cannot believe this is the last session” (7yo)

As part of strengthening community, we then partnered with Belinda from Creative Starz to run drama workshops in the January 2020 school holidays and again in September 2020 school holidays. These go from strength to strength and allow children to access drama regularly covering two identified gaps from community of more activities beyond traditional sport and some school holiday opportunities. Check out the events page for upcoming workshops in the 2021 January Holidays.

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