Project: Come Try Me Day

Sports and Activities on Show

This bright idea to have a community-based event which gave an opportunity for local clubs, sports and activities to promote themselves to families and young people, was sparked from input from the Bay and Basin community.

Project Details

To support better access for our community into activities available for young people, we collaborated with twelve local organisations to realise ‘Come Try Me Day’ in February 2021.

This bright idea to have a community-based event which gave an opportunity for local clubs, sports and activities to promote themselves to families and young people, was sparked from input from the Bay and Basin community. On Saturday, 20 February 2021, we welcomed over 150 people to this community event at Francis Ryan Reserve, coordinated by the Firefly team and supported by over 25 volunteers, which helped its success.

Young people were given a ‘passport’ to have stamped at all the activities they visited and invited to participate in and try out all kinds of sports and activities. Having access to what’s available can spark conversations with their parents and carers on things they might be interested in pursuing.

Some of the clubs and organisations who attended were Sanctuary Point Community Pride, Bay and Basin Cricket Club, St. Georges Basin Rugby League, Shoalhaven Rugby Football Club, Bay and Basin Bombers (AFL), 1st St Georges Basin Scouts, Jervis Bay Physie, BMX and Bay and Basin Nippers to name a few who were hosting interactive activities on the day. There was also information available for local activities in dance, soccer, music lessons, indoor rock climbing, drama studies and PCYC. We had kids voucher consultants onsite to assist families with information and how to access and use active and creative kids vouchers.

Firefly also conducted a youth-focused survey to ask what young people thought of school, sports, activities and who they saw as mentors in our community.

‘We conducted a survey of children on the day and 54% of respondents said when comparing school and extra activities both are equally important as each other. 25% thought sports and activities were much more important than school.’

Come Try Me Day survey 2021

Firefly Bay and Basin is one of several pilot projects in NSW that have run since 2019. They explore ways for communities to work together to improve the lives of children, young people and families. These are funded by the not-for-profit organisation Uniting.

The Come Try Me Day is linked to a broader community established goal around access to ‘Mentors in the Community’ to support our local young people to thrive. For more information around the work that Firefly supports, contact us here.

This event was made possible thanks to all the supporters and volunteers. Special thanks to Sanctuary Point Bendigo Bank and Sanctuary Point Community Pride who funded our BBQ and catering. Shoutout to Toyworld Vincentia, Bikes at the Basin, South Coast Indoor Climb, Music is a Verb, SSPAN, NSW Department of Health, Headspace Nowra and Uniting for providing prizes and giveaways on the day.

All clubs and activities were able to register a number of young people on the day and found it a great way to connect with other organisations, families and youth.

If you’re interested in finding out more about how we can support or collaborate with your organisation, contact us here.

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