Poster Competition Winner Announced

Poster Competition winner

Spring into Sanctuary Point Festival names top poster designer

Sanctuary Point Community Pride Inc., in conjunction with Firefly Bay and Basin, has announced the major prize winner for the Spring into Sanctuary Point Poster Competition.

The submission from Vincentia High School student Lani Kovalik (13) from Sanctuary Point has been named as the top poster design for the inaugural competition. Vying for the first prize of $200 and the use of the design across all official advertising, amongst fifteen other entries from young people ranging from 11 to 15 years old, it was Lani’s digitally illustrated work that caught the eye of the of the judges.

When asked about her inspiration for the design, Lani said she took themes from her memories of past festivals.

“I’ve been to Spring into Sanctuary Point before, I could draw the things that I would usually see while keeping to a flower crown idea and thinking spring! I modelled the person wearing the flower crown in the poster after myself,” Lani said. 

Poster Competition Winner

When asked about some of her previous memories of the festival, Lani said she remembers getting ice cream, the jumping castle, and the alpacas as her highlights. 

Spring into Sanctuary Point is an annual festival organised by Sanctuary Point Community Pride Inc. that showcases local community groups, clubs, and organisations. This year, the event takes place on Saturday, 22nd October, at Francis Ryan Reserve, Sanctuary Point. 

Sanctuary Point Community Pride President Allen Kruse said that it was great to see so much enthusiasm from young people to get involved and create something for the community event. 

“We have a lot of talented young people in our community based on all the entries we received, and we are excited to hopefully see an increase in young people at the event,” Mr Kruse said. 

The Poster Competition also had prizes for Highly Commended submissions and the People’s Choice Award, which you will be able to vote for at the festival, where all the designs will be on display.  

This year, there will be live entertainment, food trucks, alpacas, jumping castle, market stalls, and Totem Skate will be running skate workshops and hosting a skate competition at the bowl.  

To find out more event information, head to Sanctuary Point Community Pride’s Facebook page

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