Introducing Beyond the Spectrum

Join Lillie-Rose's "Beyond the Spectrum" survey to support young carers! Share your activity preferences and help shape future support services. Your voice matters!
Pitch Party - Beyond the Spectrum

Celebrating Lillie-Rose’s Vision – Beyond the Spectrum Project

At the heart of our Youth Voice initiative lies a remarkable project called “Beyond the Spectrum”, led by the inspiring Year 9 Vincentia High School student, Lillie-Rose. Her project aims to provide support and activities for children and young people with an ASD diagnosis or those on the journey towards a diagnosis, as well as their families and young caregivers. This service is for both individuals and their families who are on the NDIS and those who are not. Part of her project is dedicated to shedding light on the experiences of young carers like herself, who have siblings with Autism.

The Importance of Listening to Young Carers

Many young carers might not even recognise themselves as such. They might think it’s normal to help their sibling with daily tasks or provide emotional support. However, their experiences are unique and valuable, and it’s crucial to understand their needs and desires. That’s why she has launched a survey aimed at young carers, asking them about the activities they would like to do. These activities will be for high school-aged young carers; they will be FREE and give them some respite from their caring roles at home.

Why This Survey Matters

The survey is an essential step in identifying the interests of young carers. By understanding what activities they want to participate in, Lillie-Rose can tailor programs and support systems to enhance their well-being and provide them with much-needed respite and enjoyment. The insights gained from this survey will help create a more inclusive and supportive community for young carers.

Get Involved: Share Your Voice

We invite all young carers and their parent/guardians to take part in this survey. Your voice matters, and your feedback will help shape the future of support services for young carers. Whether you enjoy sports, arts, music, or other activities, we want to hear from you!

Watch Lillie-Rose’s 2023 Pitch

Watch Lillie-Rose’s 2023 pitch to learn more about her inspiring journey and the vision behind Beyond the Spectrum – a Youth Voice Project.

WARNING: The video at the start of the presentation gets progressively louder.

Join us in supporting Lillie-Rose’s mission to amplify the voices of young carers and make a difference in their lives. Together, we can go beyond the spectrum and create a brighter future for everyone.

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